Monday, May 5, 2008
2003 version of the following Microsoft Office programs: Excel 2003, |
If you've used an instant messenger or chat service, you've seen the ubiquitous smiley and frowning faces used to represent happy and sad. These symbols are called emoticons, a combination of the words "emotion" and "icon," and you can insert them to add a personal touch to most Office documents.
The following are some ways that you can insert emoticons, depending on which Office program you are using.
- Insert the emoticon symbol by using the Symbol command on the Insert menu.
- Insert the emoticon symbol by using the Microsoft Windows® Character Map tool.
- Type the keyboard shortcut for the symbol, and then change the symbol to the correct font.
- Use the Office AutoCorrect feature to translate the text of your choice into your chosen symbol.
Insert a symbol by using the Symbol command
Note This feature requires Excel, FrontPage, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, or Visio.
- On the Insert menu, click Symbol.
Note In Outlook, use the Insert menu in the message window. This requires that you be using Word as your e-mail editor and that your message format be either RTF or HTML. You cannot use symbols with the Plain Text message format.
- In the Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click Wingdings.
- Scroll to where you will find the happy, sad, and disappointed emoticon symbols, and then double-click the symbol that you want.
1 Comment:
For Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 I recommend this tool:
Simply click on a smiley to add it to your e-mail.
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