Insert smileys and other emoticons

Monday, May 5, 2008

2003 version of the following Microsoft Office programs: Excel 2003,
FrontPage® 2003, InfoPath™ 2003, OneNote™ 2003, Outlook® 2003,
PowerPoint® 2003, Project 2003, Publisher 2003, Visio® 2003, and Word 2003
2002 version of the following Microsoft Office programs: Excel 2002, FrontPage® 2002,
Outlook® 2002, PowerPoint® 2002, Project 2002, Publisher 2002, Visio® 2002, and Word 2002

If you've used an instant messenger or chat service, you've seen the ubiquitous smiley and frowning faces used to represent happy and sad. These symbols are called emoticons, a combination of the words "emotion" and "icon," and you can insert them to add a personal touch to most Office documents.

The following are some ways that you can insert emoticons, depending on which Office program you are using.

  • Insert the emoticon symbol by using the Symbol command on the Insert menu.
  • Insert the emoticon symbol by using the Microsoft Windows® Character Map tool.
  • Type the keyboard shortcut for the symbol, and then change the symbol to the correct font.
  • Use the Office AutoCorrect feature to translate the text of your choice into your chosen symbol.

Insert a symbol by using the Symbol command

Note This feature requires Excel, FrontPage, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, or Visio.

  1. On the Insert menu, click Symbol.

Note In Outlook, use the Insert menu in the message window. This requires that you be using Word as your e-mail editor and that your message format be either RTF or HTML. You cannot use symbols with the Plain Text message format.

  1. In the Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click Wingdings.
  2. Scroll to where you will find the happy, sad, and disappointed emoticon symbols, and then double-click the symbol that you want.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

For Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 I recommend this tool:
Simply click on a smiley to add it to your e-mail.