Friday, February 15, 2008
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Information is the backbone of most personal and business ventures, and as such, keeping track of that information is key. Think about all the pieces of information you need to manage your day. Whom do you have to call? What appointments do you have? Do you need to send some type of communication, such as an e-mail, to others? What about the communications you receive from others? Do you need to read your e-mail? What are today's to-do items?
Although each piece of information is relatively small, they quickly add up. To help you manage this flow of information, you can use Outlook. Outlook includes various program components, each useful for managing various types of information. You can use the Mail program to send and receive e-mail messages. You can use the Contacts program to keep track of contact information such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and more. For scheduling, use the Calendar. With this feature, you can plan appointments, meetings, and special events. In addition, you can use Outlook to manage your to-do list. For this element of your life, use the Tasks feature. And there's still more. You can use Outlook's Notes feature to jot down miscellaneous reminders. Use the Journal to track activities for contacts.
As you can see, Outlook is a full-powered personal information manager. To maximize this program and put it to use in your business or personal life, you need a book that is reliable, organized, and easy to follow. That's where Easy Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 comes in. This book covers Outlook's most often used features in an easy-to-follow format. You can see step-by-step how to accomplish each task. The book is suitable as a how-to guide or as a reference. That is, you can read the book from start to finish, completing each task, or you can turn to particular sections of interest as needed. Either way, Easy Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 lets you see it done and then do it yourself!
You can use Outlook as your own personal organizer—sending and receiving e-mail, managing contact information, keeping track of appointments and to-do items, and more. All these tools are accessible from the Outlook window. To get started with this program, take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the window. If needed, you can change what appears so that your Outlook workspace more closely reflects your needs. You'll find information on these Outlook options in this part.
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